God has led us to purchase 46.5 acres on the southwest corner of Latson Road and Golf Club Road, for our future home!
We are currently constructing a new church facility on this site, located at: 3900 Golf Club Rd. in Howell.
If you have questions or would like to participate with us, please let us know. We can be reached at office@howellchurch.org.
Our phase one building, which will include:
We hope and plan to open the building in September of 2024!
Look for opportunities to enjoy our church’s new property! Walk the trails or picnic with family or a friend. Invite someone who needs encouragement to share coffee, or walk the Summit Trail with someone who needs to hear the gospel. You might even cross-country ski or snow-shoe. A few guidelines: Daytime only. Park near the barn on the gravel. No motorized vehicles on the trails. Don’t disturb the Boss residence. Pick up after pets. Don’t enter the lake. Keep an eye on children. As you enjoy the property, pray that God would make it our permanent weekly home for worship!
The church has issued bonds, to finance our construction project. To facilitate compliance with securities regulations, certain church issuer information is publicly available by
clicking here.